Hart's Girls by Lynda Rees

Hart's Girls by Lynda Rees

Author:Lynda Rees [Rees, Lynda]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Sweetwater Publishing Company
Published: 2020-04-30T22:00:00+00:00


Wyatt approached Mayor Kenneth and Mr. Bryant, eager to learn what he could. "Good evening, Mayor, Mr. Bryant. There's quite a turnout for the celebration." Wyatt motioned to the crowd.

Mayor Ken smiled and lifted his wine goblet. "Yes, I'm pleased with attendance."

Bryant smiled congenially. "Nice to see you, Sheriff Gordon."

"Let me personally thank you for financial support of the library. It means a great deal to citizens of Sweetwater." Wyatt studied the wealthy patron's face.

With a gracious toast toward Wyatt, Bryant smiled. "My pleasure; I'm happy to fund a worthy cause."

Timing seemed right to broach what was on Wyatt's mind. "We've discovered your title to a certain building on Main Street and are concerned about your intentions for it."

Sebastian Bryant sat his champagne glass on a passing waiter's tray and crossed his arms. His jaw and his smile appeared fake. He shot a glance at the mayor then back. His voice elevated. "You may be right, Sheriff. Ms. Roberts approached me earlier informing me of the same thing. I understand her interest. What's yours?"

Wyatt liked getting straight to the point. "Townspeople and business owners are concerned you might be purchasing property to erect a mall."

Bryant blew out a puff of air. Brows furrowed. He pointed a finger as he spoke in a flat tone.

"I personally have no plans for any sort of construction in or around Sweetwater. That said; I stay out of everyday operations of my stock firms. If you have concerns, I suggest you reach out to the managers." His head tilted upward. "If you'll excuse me, I have another engagement. Thank you for coming today; it's been a pleasure." His head bowed, and he turned toward the exit.

Ken and Wyatt nodded at the gentleman's back as he left the room humming with attendee chatter. Wyatt looked at his old friend. "It's been enlightening. Mr. Bryan may not have directly given me what I want; but he spurred my interest in his assets."

Ken snickered. "I don't think that was his intention."

Wyatt laughed. "I'm sure you're right, Ken."


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